I'm trying to catch up on blogging and at least insert "blogging" on my very busy schedule. I seriously need a planner for 2015! Woah, time flies so fast. Hope you did something great for yourself this year, you need to treat yourself sometimes. Chill out guyssss, I'm sure it's not that bad to spend a little...
Warning: I will surely posting tons of photos on this blog entry
because I seriously love the whole look of this outfit!...
I'm kind of stress right now from work and all personal-related stuff. So I guess this is the perfect timing to reminisce my first ever vacation travel island hopping in the beautiful place of El Nido. This is the perfect place if you're looking for a white sand beach and silent escapade. It is known as the last frontier...
Hey, I just revamped my blog! Changed the theme, icons and re-arrange links, etc. Hoping you like it though I am not yet done tweaking it more! It's the first time I managed to edit the html codes for blogspot, because if you've been following me for quite some time, you knew that I was a mad theme tweaker back then...
Finally got a low back top after drooling for months looking on Instagram shops. ...
Just before I posted this outfit here on my blog, I already shared it via my instagram. What a lazy blogger. Just before I flew away to Palawan last month, I already have these pictures on my laptop, ready to upload, post and all. Having a phone with internet ready all the time is the major cause of my lazy blogg...
Woo, it's been more than a month since the last time I updated this blog. Finally posting my travel photos from El Nido, Palawan. Wow, I never thought travelling is sooo much fun! It's my first time to travel. Amazing views makes me silently wish that I could extend my vacation. This would definitely not be my first...
Just a few more days and I'm flying somewhere specifically in paradise. I cannot hide my excitement anymore. I've been mentioning from my old posts that I seriously need a vacation escapade from the stressful work, personal problems, etc and my sweet relaxation will be happening next week! ...
I never thought that I will keep such a chunky looking shoes on my closet. ...
This is my first time posting an entry with my sister! She's my photographer since day 1 of my blogging adventure, so I think I would feel awkward and shy if I will be shooting with strangers because you know, you can't demand like "I don't like this angle, take a picture again!", "No! not this one, I told you blah...
Hi everyone! I was about to post something inspired by the newly released September issue of Mega magazine. ...
Before the "ber" month starts, let me post these clean sheets of photos on my blog that my sister took last last week, not sure but I posted some of these on my Instagram and featured on @pilipinasootd. I am so "kilig" when I saw the Philippine's version of Lookbook IG account reposted my photo. Hihi. Well, I always...
Monochrome by heycell
Hi everyone! Finally writing something on my blog again since when? oh! my little poor blog seems neglected for ages. I've been such a lazy person these past few days, weeks, months? I don't want it to last for a year. Haha! So how's...
Oh hello there, it's been a while since the last time I posted on my blog. Such a busy and tiring month end for me last July and quite continuing to stress me out until today. I just hope to have more time on blogging, answering e-mails, but I'm quite active on Instagram. I just realized that it was more easy to view...
Would you believe that after this kinda-summer-like-sunny-weather Sunday morning when me and my sister decided to make a quick outfit shots, a typhoon ...
I am not one of the girls that are blessed with bright, fair and flawless skin that's why I have to maintain taking care of it especially to my face by taking lots of beauty products. I've discovered that papaya soap are really effective when it comes to whitening your skin tone after I tried using it when I was in...
Going back to indoor shots because I don't have time to do some streetstyle photos. Seriously, work have been constantly eating all my time, I only have one rest day per week so bear with me guys if I can only share my outfit through indoor shots. But I'm kinda missing my photos with this cloudy and calm vibe...
Quickly posting this late outfit post that I wore last Coachella. ( oh wow! lol. daydreaming. just joking! :P)...
Randomly writing what's on my mind this lazy Sunday morning.. My plans are still plans, I need progress to achieve what I want. There's a lot of hindrances that I can't walk through since I have to put 'em on my first things first. I know God have plans for me but I have this thought on my mind that God will only...
Starting this blog post with a very tumblr-ish photo taken by my sister....
In partnership of Regatta with Salad Box this month of May, take a look what's inside it! Obviously, it's all about necessities for your body and protection buddies from the heat of the sun. This isn't my first salad box, I have received one, when Salad Box is just starting to grow in the market....
I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift! I love the way she sings, the songs that she composed, her curls, her straight hair, her red lips, her pale lips, and how she dress up! I absolutely love everything about her! I'm obsessed with all her songs (even though sometimes, I can't relate with it haha ), I love the tunes, the...
A quick outfit post from the Regatta x Saladbox Styling contest that I attended
last Saturday at SM Mega Mall. Trend-spotting alert from head to toe.
Wearing my superb sunglasses and scene-stealer flats saves the day!
What do you think? ;)...
I truly love music since I'm still a kiddo. I love singing, I'm one of the Annebisyosa clan in the Philippines who loves to sing even though we don't have the quality of voice that would please everybody. lol So before I share what kind of music do I listen recently, I want to introduce to you guys my new baby,
Hey guys! If you've been following me on Instagram @itsmariahazel, you probably saw my post about me going to SM Mega Mall to join the styling contest with Regatta in collaboration with Salad Box. At first, I'm not sure if I could come because I have work every Saturday, but with the encouraging words from my friends,...
Regatta has opened its newest store at SM Megamall last April 29th.
Regatta is an iconic Filipino clothing brand known for its classic, casual and outdoor style.
The brand has grown to 29 stores nationwide and 2 concessions in key cities. It has developed its brand character as a casual leisure wear that portrays...
Hello Philippines! Hello World. And hello May, time flies so fast! It's the month of colorful and cheerful feast on every streets in the Philippines especially Flores de Mayo. This is the last month for you guys to fully enjoy the heat of the sun because June is the start of rainy month. And students will come back...
" Cross my heart, hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye. "...
Baby, it's Friday! I'm looking forward for Sunday cheat day! I could eat whatever I want on that day! I'm practicing no rice meals for almost three weeks and I could see teeny weeny progress though. I believe losing 1.5 kilograms is quite a big thing in just three weeks by just dieting! But I hope I could finally...
Hola! It's been a month since the last time I posted in here. Finally, I got my camera and its now on its full force to take outfit shots! It's as good as brand new again. There are so many parts especially on the lenses that they changed so I don't have to be in trouble again with focusing subjects. Oh, I miss writing...
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