Bebe Lavie Baby Spa Experience + Review

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Spa day with baby Asher!

Hey everyone, it’s been a while. “Long time, no see” here in my blog! Apologies, motherhood is taking all of my time. But I’m quite ~at least~ posting every now and then on my Instagram, so if you’re not following me yet, my IG handle is @itsmariahazel. 😉

I celebrated my birthday in advance and I didn’t really plan to treat myself anything. So I thought why not attend an event and give Asher some “pampering”! You know moms, anything for their child. Lol

We went to Bebe Lavie, a baby aquatic learning spa where your little ones can have swim and massage sessions. They cater to babies from 2-month old up to 1.5 yr old.

I saw them on Instagram ( ) last year and I’ve been meaning to bring Asher there. But I think he’s not ready yet back then so I waited til I saw him enjoying the water during bath time. So mommies, that’s my tip if you’re planning to bring your baby to Bebe Lavie. We don’t want our little ones to just cry during the session and feel traumatic in any way, right?

How much?
We availed the Php 1,500 single session which includes:
* skin softening bath
* warm-up yoga
* baby floating/swimming
* relaxation massage
* baby liquid bath soap ( brand used: Biolane)
* baby oil ( brand used: Mustela)
* swimming diaper

For rates, please visit their Instagram. 

Since, we’re not sure yet if baby Asher will like swimming and we live quite far from BGC, we opted to get the single session only.

I really love the Bebe Lavie’s interior. So chic, bright and instagrammable! The staff are very friendly especially Ate Den. She knows how to handle our baby Asher very well, making sure he’s at ease, happy and will love the water.

Fortunately, our baby loveeee swimming! He’s in the water for about 30-minutes and even cried when Ate Den finally took him from the bath tub.

 Benefits of Baby Swimming

• Swimming helps to improve coordination and balance. 

• Swimming helps to build muscles. Working and strengthening all of their muscles effectively helps to make them stronger.

• Swimming provides quality bonding time. 

• Swimming strengthens your baby on the inside. While swimming will help to develop their muscles and joints, it also improves the strength of their heart and lungs, and helps to develop their brain.

• Swimming can improve their sleeping pattern. While it isn’t going to make them sleep through the night every night, the extra exercise will help to make your baby sleepier.

• Swimming can improve a baby’s appetite. Lots of gentle exercise and warm water helps to make a baby hungry, so make sure you have some sort of snack or milk for after they finish.

• Swimming builds water confidence. 

His Daddy Jeffrey also enjoyed seeing our baby happily floating and swimming.

Since baby Asher is already 10-months, he doesn’t like lying down while having the relaxation massage. The staff recommended to bring milk in a bottle but since we’re breastfeeding we didn’t brought any. But he still loves it tho!

Is it worth it?
For me, yes. It’s worth the money especially when you see your baby happy and enjoyed the entire session. So it’s really important that you know if he’s ready for a baby spa day. It’s a little pricey, but at least I’m confident that the staffs attending to my little one is trained to safely provide the service.

The price ranges from different service you want to avail. Bebe Lavie also offers packages if you want to get regular sessions.

Things to bring:
* bath towel
* changing diaper
* your own liquid soap if your baby has sensitive skin
* formula/breast milk in a bottle- so you’re baby would lie down peacefully during the massage

If you want to watch our video, click here to re-direct to my IGTV!

And that’s it! The session lasted for an hour. We enjoyed our experience with Bebe Lavie as a family. We, parents, are so happy to see our little one having his pamper day. :)

If you have more questions, comment it down below and I try my best to answer it.

Love Always,
Maria Hazel

1 comment

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