90's kid

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I noticed that 90's style outfit is getting back on track. Style is just a cycle. We will all change. By the way we dress. According to our age? or perhaps following the trend? or doing it your own stylish way!

On this outfit post, I got stripes spaghetti strap top which will never fade out coz they call it the "basics". I think Brandy Melville, which is quite famous clothing brand in USA, started it all again. But this one I'm wearing is from my grandmother's, pretty cool huh? And the choker that I'm wearing is just a DIY of my father. The anchor pendant is really cute, I think he just found it on a broken bracelet or something. I remember when I was a kid, wearing thick denim jacket is really cool. Hope you like how I style them! :) Enjoy the rest of the week!

Love always,
Maria Hazel